‘Nice’ moments
There is an art to enjoying a ‘Nice’ biscuit with a cup of tea. First of all, the tea has to be extra hot. And then, there’s a skill to dipping the biscuit in the cup. Dunk too little and the biscuit isn’t quite soaked enough; dunk too much and it will simply disintegrate. And we’re not going to resort to fishing it out with a spoon. We’re not savages, are we?
Had it been a ‘Marie’ instead, we could have tried to fish out the chunks with another biscuit. But it takes an expert to do that successfully. If you fail, you’ll just end up with 2 disintegrated biscuits in your hand or rather, in your cup.
Now, back to our Nice moment! A perfect Nice moment has four steps to it. First, you admire the delicate yet crisp, lightly golden biscuit with those lovely crystals of sugar sticking to it. In the perfect light, what diamonds could shine brighter! Next comes the satisfaction of the perfectly executed dunk! After that, savor the warm goodness. Savor the hit of the perfect crumbly texture, the hit of the sugar crystals spreading across the tastebuds, and the final hit as the morsel melts into nothingness.
Every biscuit should be had in three perfect bites. More than that, and you’re just nibbling. With three bites, every bite has enough of a kick.
And now, to the final step! Here’s where the “extra-hotness” of the tea comes in. Thanks to my tip, even after all those biscuits your tea is still hot.
This is the time to focus on how the sip warms up your mouth and then goes down warming up your throat, your chest and your heart!