Mommy Diaries

Diary of a wimpy mommy!

Priya Khanwalker
3 min readSep 3, 2022
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

There’s only one thing that determines whether you’re old or young. It’s not your age, it’s not how you look, it’s not how you dress and it’s not even how you feel.

What determines whether you have crossed the median of your life and are now moving, or rather shuffling, towards twilight is how much you cherish your sleep! And no one cherishes sleep as much as an overtired mom who desperately needs those last precious minutes of blissful unconsciousness before the alarm rings.

I was lost in the dreamland today morning when I was rudely poked in the ribs. Shocked, annoyed, I opened my eyes only to look into the impish face of the kid. He was up a full 30 minutes before he was supposed to. Bleary eyed, I looked at him and he smiled happily, fresh as a blooming rose and chirping like an annoying canary. Curbing the instinct to tackle him, I somehow dug down deep and found some shreds of mommy love.

A few minutes of cuddling and then I had to get into the Admiral Mommy mode, leading the troops successfully to the school bus stop.

As usual, the 4 yr old protested and very vocally expressed his disgust with the current education system. I pretended to disagree with him. I couldn’t very tell him that he needs to go to school because mommy needs him to be out of the house for a few hours, could I?

Briskly I started to walk towards the kitchen and by the time I had taken the first two steps, I was hobbling and internally howling with pain. I found myself trapped in the living room, unable to move, holding on to a chair for support.

I looked back and saw that my second-in-command was still snoozing. I saw red! If I had something in my hand (anything would do), I would have thrown it at him. But right now, I had to be satisfied with infusing an extra dose of ice to my verbal censure. Within seconds, the second-in-command was up and about. Admiral Mommy can get things done when she has to!

The clock was ticking! 20 minutes until the bus left!

Barking orders with an eye on the clock, I delegated and directed in a way that would have made the Navy Seals proud. Finally, the second-in-command was out of the door with the payload.

Ha! I had done it!

But now, how do I get back to the bed? The knee was throbbing and protested, if I tried to ease any weight on it. And here I was, trying to ease pounds and pounds and pounds of weight on it. I don’t want to describe the next few minutes. It’s too embarrassing!

So, let’s get to the point where I found myself standing at the edge of the bed, wondering how to lower myself on it without bending or putting any kind of pressure on the said knee. I stood there debating my options. There were none!

The second-in-command would probably take a walk after depositing the sulking payload on the bus. I couldn’t very well stand at the edge of the bed for the next 40 minutes.

And then inspiration struck! Do you remember the trust exercise that people often do in movies or TV Shows? A person has to fall backwards, completely letting go and trusting that the person behind them will catch them?

Yes! That was it! I would trust my mattress! With utmost trust and love for my mattress, I launched myself face first and fell on the bed, just like a brick. A very trusting brick!

Oh cool! There was still time to catch a quick shut eye. And the trusting happy brick dozed off!



Priya Khanwalker
Priya Khanwalker

Written by Priya Khanwalker

Writer, Thinker, Mom, Former software engineer, Spiritual seeker

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